Monday, April 25, 2011

Class examples

Here is an amazing example of using contrast in a comic book/manga. Isis is CONTRASTING the 1st and last panels. Sort of like a BEFORE AND AFTER.

I have highlighted these two panels in red.

Here is a fantastic illustration from Damion and Sigi. A great use of 1 point perspective.

Danilo's figure drawing is becoming superior. Also notice the varying "camera angels" he uses. There are wide shots, close ups, etc.

Deshaun is using GREY SCALE to get a wider tonal range. His hand is very loose, which gives the above illustration an energetic feel.


Look at the above examples and draw/write a response. Therefore -

1. ISIS EXERCISE: Write a story/draw a story with a contrasted 1st and last panel. The first panel and the last panel are the same, but the events which occur in between change the last panel.

2. DAMION/SIGI exercise: Draw a highly detailed perspective drawings with 2 figures in it.

3. DANILO exercise: Draw a one page story where the FIGURE'S POSE shifts dramatically through the story.

4. DESHAUN: Do a figurative illustration using grey scale.

Here's a great example of anime crosshatching.

Good luck! We'll post examples :-).

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