Monday, March 5, 2012


Good job Marcos for focusing on an anatomic figure study. Marcos emphasizes the realistic form of his character's figure. For example, look at the attention to detail in the neck.

Danilo from the B class has put together an impressive first character animation. I strongly urge him to color this in. I took the liberty of using a photoshop filter to have the sword look "mystical".

Great job Shemar for 3 quick emotion studies. Juan also did a great job but I couldn't find his in time. I think I left them in class over the weekend.

Today, once again consider a situation, a transition, in which emotions shift. The classic example is somebodies snack being stolen. When your snack is stolen, you go through an array of emotions.

1. Shock: Who would do such a thing?
2. Sincere desire to reclaim what has been lost.
3. Anger.
4. Retaliation
5. The desire to regain a lost pride.

What was a time your emotions transitioned? Attempt to do a 5 face emotional switch.

You can fictionalize your emotional transition meaning you can draw a self created character.


Observe the above Sailor Moon illustration; observe the attention to COMPOSITION and AESTHETICS. Remember our talks about abstraction? The above anime illustration is similar to mannerism because the figures form beautiful abstract shapes. Very few figures are standing still. Most of the character's figures suggest motion.

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