Monday, November 15, 2010


Last Wednesday we ran two manga themed drawing exercises; collaborative drawing exercises. As a result, we developed some characters, but also made some GREAT art! The above drawing is a GREAT example. NOW - to piggy back on what we've been talking about in class, I'll offer CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM and describe WHY I love the above drawing.


A variety of materials are used in order to showcase a variety of lines. Pencil AND magic marker are used.


Notice how hard the artist is bearing down with the marker. The marker is used so hard it bleeds the hair, thus creating a BLEND.

3. ICONIC Drawing:

A dot for an eye, little nibs for hair, and what looks like soccer cleats by making "M" lines. Great stuff.


The bottom of the page is simply scribbles. But it's pretty to look at and simulates ... an explosion? lava? Who cares? It's fun to look at.

Clearly Danilo and Sigi are having fun with this drawing. THIS IS WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR. ENERGY!!!! It translates and it translates to an audience. People pick up on this stuff and it makes them happy.

Let's look at some of the CHARACTERS we created in last week's class.

There is:

* Mrs. Wiggles
* Captain Weirdo
* Sgt. Stinkyfat
* Angry Woman/Duck
* A guy who was named something offensive to people with learning disabilities. His name will be changed to Hobo Jones.
* Coupla monsters

In class today, if you are working on a long term project, you're FOCUSED, you're not messing around, please continue. I will come around and give you pointers and/or exercises to help you with your drawing and/or writing. If you need an assignment, here are some!

SO: Pop Quiz hot shots:

1. Do a free write describing the characteristics and lifestyle of one of the created characters. There are 6 characters. Choose among yourselves who will write who. Otherwise, I'll assign it.

2. Remember our mundane/sublime writing exercise? Take a character. On one page have something MUNDANE occuring. Then on a second page, have something SUBLIME occur to the character.

----> Today I'll be bring in a TON of photocopied pages from manga/comic books/graphic novels. Take a page you like, do an artist copy. It can be quick. THEN: Write Construct Criticism as to WHY you like the page. Write as much or as little as you want. You'll be graded by the CONTENT and INTELLIGENCE of your critique.

At 3:40, we will be CONVERGING and sharing what we've done in this class. If you're disturbing this meeting, you'll be thrown out of class and will not be asked to return. We're putting the peddle to the metal now because half the class is energized and we need to make an awesome PRODUCT by the end of the semester. I'm talking an actual comic book by using this publisher.

I'm going to be paying for this with MY MONEY. I've run out of class funding. I'm not going to publish stuff I don't like. If you're not working hard, it will translate and be seen in the art and I don't want you in this comic. I'm no longer your teacher, I'm now your boss.

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