Monday, March 12, 2012

Miao Rong, Wen and Moebius

Great job to Miao Rong and Wen for their very creative and inventive animations. The next step is to take these "SPRITES" and put them in contact. Notice how fluid Wen's rocket ship is with proportions.

Over the weekend, a legend in anime, graphic novels and illustration passed away; his pen name was Moebius. He was 73 years old.

The following drawings come from the graphic novel by Moebius "30 days in the Desert".

Moebius was very significant internationally. He illustrated the manga version of "Naurcisca: In the valley of the wind". He did lots of concept work for movies like "Alien". He made a fantastic western comic called "Lieutenant Blueberry".

I am showing you these pictures because they showcase EVERY type of cartooning. These drawings use:

1. Perspective
2. Realistic drawing
3. Abstract drawing
4. Iconic drawing.

In class today, I will break down one of these illustrations and show you tricks to doing a drawing very similar to it! Today's assignment is to do a "DESERT DRAWING".

Extra credit: Do a desert drawing and animate a "sprite" in it!

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