Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kenneth Animation

Great job Kenneth on his animation. Notice how even slight movements in animation make a big difference.

Today in class I will project on the wall various figures and references from perspective. For the first half of the class I'd like us all to work on our figure drawing and perspective drawing. Do not feel the pressure of doing a "good" drawing. See this as a relaxing exercise similar to shooting free throws or doing jumping jacks. What this exercise is doing is getting your eyeballs and hands "warmed up" so you can take on personal projects. Make these drawings YOURS. Have them be something you enjoy. I will show a few examples.

After our figure drawing, you will have the option to further continue or drawing or finish an outstanding project. While this occuring, I will be showing an educational video about adaptation called "Everything is a Remix". We will watch this for the remaining time in class.

Mr. Turnbull

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